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Create a resume file link

Created on 22 December, 2023 • 1 minutes read

Create an official link and link up your resume file with it. Personalize your CV with

Level Up Your Resume: Attach It Directly to Your Official Link (and Add More!)

Job hunting in the digital age just got a whole lot easier. 
Introducing a game-changer for your resume:
Attach it directly to your official link on!
No more clunky URLs or file-sharing hassles.

How do I create a resume link with

Your resume becomes seamlessly integrated with your online presence, making it instantly accessible and shareable with potential employers.

Here's how it works:

  1. Create your official link:
  • Head to and register for a free account.
  • Access your dashboard and click "Create Link."
  • Choose "official link" as your link type and give it a personal name (e.g.,

2. Attach your resume:

  • Click the [+Add Block] button.
  • Select "File Block" and upload your resume file.
  • That's it! Your resume is now attached to your official link.

3. Customize Your Link Page:

  • Showcase your skills and experience; add text blocks, headings, and paragraphs to create a personalized bio section.
  • Connect your online presence: Use [+Add Block] to add social media icons and links to your business profiles.
  • Customize your look: Tailor your link page's appearance with our simple HTML code block.

Benefits of Using the Official Link for Your Resume:

  • Seamless Sharing: Share your resume instantly with a single, professional-looking URL.
  • Easy Access: Potential employers can quickly view your resume without downloads or third-party platforms.
  • Enhanced Online Presence: Build a cohesive personal brand by integrating your resume with your other online profiles.
  • Customizable Link Page: Create a unique landing page that highlights your expertise and personality.
  • Simple and free: Setting up your official link and attaching your resume is easy and completely free.

An example of a resume file link?