American Kennel Club Scented Puppy Training Pads with Ultra Absorbent Quick Dry Gel – 22 x 22 Puppy Pads - Fresh Scented - Pack
Training Pads are ideal for puppies and dogs that stay indoors for long periods of time. What you should do; Unfold the training pad and place it in a confined area. (Blue plastic side down). It is important to place your puppy or dog on the training pad several times a day in order to get him used it. on the average, a puppy must relieve himself every few hours, based on his age (a 2 month old puppy every 2 hours, a 3 month old every hours etc). If your pet relieves himself somewhere other than the designated spot where the pad is placed, bring him back to the correct spot immediately. Keep in mind that your pet will have to relive himself shortly after a meal and will need to eliminate more frequently during the summer when his water intake is higher. The minute your dog begins to relieve himself on the pad, be sure to use cures like “go potty”. You should use this cue every time that your dog relives himself on the pad so that he associates the phrase with the action of elimination. Every time that your pe
Product details Is Discontinued By Manufacturer : No Product Dimensions : 22 x 22 x 0.39 inches; 3 Pounds I